My 2020 Review

Koh Chi Hao
2 min readJan 3, 2021

I saw posts on Instagram where people post pictures about how horrible and nasty 2020 was. Here is my version of it.

2020 was nothing but a disaster at the global scale. People died from COVID-19, jobs are lost and the economy took a drastic hit. But I am here to document that 2020 was a rather decent or almost good year for me.

In 2020,
- I have graduated with 2nd upper in Computer Science in NUS (YAY!)
- The giftforgood team has officially launched the website on 14 Sept and we are doing decently well as of now
- I found a job in a company that I liked to be part of!
- I had an internship despite of the COVID situation (some stories I heard was that interns were let go at other companies)
- I got a chance to eat home for almost 2 months (my mother had the opportunity to experiment with food on me and I gained a few kgs afterwards)
- I was being a teaching assistant for a React Native class on the weekends during the holidays
- Me and another friend taught our close friend how to cycle (he learnt it within 30mins)

In all good things that happened there was also the bad. When Circuit Breaker took effect in Apr 2020 and all classes had to be moved online, that was when I struggled with my emotions and mental health for a bit. I am a rather social creature in the sense where I enjoy being around my friends on the daily basis in school and when the Circuit Breaker started, my friends were essentially cut-off from me. I mean we could chat online or even do video calls but it is obviously different than meeting in person.

This was an opportunity of growth for me as a person to be more independent of my friends and I obviously took it. It was tough because I had to go through this alone. There were times when the negative voices in my head will get too loud and I had distract myself by playing games or working on projects. I obviously am still working on this but the negative voices doesn’t appear as much as before. In all of these, I have learnt that I really cherish my friends and that they are at times like a second family to me.

What’s next for 2021, now that I have graduated ?

There are 2 areas that I am looking at.

  1. Health: Holy shit, all the weight I gained during COVID needs to be gone! I should try to maintain and lose weight during the next year.
  2. Character development: Now that I have graduated and I can lose the label of “Student”. Who am I as a working adult? What do I want to accomplish in this life time and how can I leave my mark in the world? All of these questions are questions that I will be asking myself constantly as I navigate the working world.

